Amaranthus Spinosus is found throughout the Philippines at lowlands and low altitudes.

It functions as a good expectorant and an effective astringent especially in stopping liquid bowels. Locally, it has been reported that a decoction of the root relieve one’s breathing from acute bronchitis.

Nutritional Value
The dried leaves contain (per 100g) 267 - 276 calories, 20 - 34.4% protein, 2 - 4.5% fat, 45 - 54% carbohydrate, 9.8 - 10.4% fibre, 16.6 - 24% ash, 1795 - 5333mg calcium, 333 - 460mg phosphorus, 13.5 - 152.7mg iron, 13 - 37mg sodium, 337 - 3528mg potassium, 27.9 - 40.8mg beta carotene equivalent, 0.06mg thiamine, 2.02mg riboflavin, 7.7 - 8.6mg niacin and 503mg ascorbic acid.

Medicinal Qualities

  • ABTIFEBRILE, an effective astringent especially.
  • DIARRHEA - in stopping liquid bowels.
  • HEMOSTATIC - astringent for stopping bloody tools and excessive menstruation.
  • DIURETIC -  ainds in urination.
  • It is an excellent wash for skin probelms such as acne.
  • and eczema to psoriasis and hives.
  • Used as a douche for vaginal discharges.
  • For sore mouth, gums, teeth, throth, and rectal sores.  Locally, it has been reported that a decoction of tyhe root relieve one's breathing from ACUTE BRONCHITIS.