About me
My Personal Testimony
I am so grateful to God especially in providing information to MS. doyee tactacan tumpalan, President and CEO of First Vita Plus Marketing Corp. to make a product that will help anyone, health or financial needs. As a Filipino, I am proud of the Filipino brand like First Vita Plus. It actually helps those who are sick and want to change their lives. I as one of the Filipino really helped the First Vita Plus Products, I have skin allergy, four years suffer the disease. I've tried many medications to heal my skin allergy but still here until such occasions someone offer me a First Vita Plus Products. I did not hesitate to try the product, not bad if I try. After I drink First Vita Plus, just a week ago since I try the product I felt relief to feel. Came the day I tried to taste a piece of chicken I know that it is taboo to eat. But some time ago I would not attack my skin allergy. I also sleep well, lost my insomnia and the thirteen years of suffering in athritis was miraculously gone and I do not feel up to now. Until now, I still drank First Vita Plus continously and now I am doing as well as business and have assisted many people to recover and prosper.

First Vital Plus was founded by Rhoroda " Doyee" Tactacan-Tumpalan on August 8, 2005 and has since grown into a respectable and well managed Multi Level Marketing Company in the Philippines.
The Formulator of First Vita Plus:
Dr. Jaime Galvez Z. Tan is the Philippines' foremost herbalist. He is the former Secretary of Department of Health. He served as Undersecretary and Chief of staff of the Department of Health from 1992 to 1994. Prior to that time, he held senior positions at United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) both at the national and the regional level. Ealier, Dr. Galvez Tan served as a rural health physician and trainer. He has been a consultant of UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA), The World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), United States Agency for International Developement (USAID) and has been Billy Gates Fellows since 2002.


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